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Saturday, April 1, 2017 | 10:37 AM | 0 Blackjack

Hi girls! I want to share about I went to Bicara Naib Canselori. It was very fun! It was held on 30th March 2017 at DECTAR. The talk has been given by Dato' Dr Noor Azlan bin Ghazali as the Vice Chancellor of UKM. He told us that UKM has full developed and very good! As student, we should take advantage or opportunity  to learn the education here.

It was a very good talk! I hope that I will come to more talk like this after this!

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Me Saya Aku Anyss

Ohh hye semua ! nie kita lah Anyss Toingtoing . haha actually tak ada nak kata apa apa pun . cuma nak kata thanks follow blog nie and enjoy reading yeahh :D



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