Family :)
Tuesday, February 14, 2017 | 12:37 AM | 0 Blackjack
Hi uolls! So today I want to update a little bit about my family and I! My family consist of five family members that is my father, mother, one older sister and one younger sister. I do really love them so much!
Although I am not always at home because I am here in UKM for studies. It does not mean that we did not contact at all. With whatsapp and all other internet devices, we always get to contact each other. Somehow, if just one day I did not contact with them, I feel very weird to do things.
I can't wait till I finish my studies here. I wat to work and yes! Want to meet then everyday. Although I only live in Kajang :'( But it is okay! I still need to suitable myself with it beacuse when I am married, I will live with my husband too! Hahaha :p
That's all for today! I will update next :*