Kipmall! :)
Monday, March 27, 2017 | 11:04 PM | 0 Blackjack
Hi girls! I want ti share my experiment in Kipmall today. It is for my subject Inovasi. I really have fun ther! Maybe because of my partner is so handsome? Hahaha xD
First of oll, we asked questions to those who work there, and to those who went there for fun. A lot of them gave a negative feedback about their lift and mosque. Everyone answer our questions politely except this one uncle.
Hihi x) I think he is the one who open his stall there. We asked him questions and he replied; 'tak perlu nak buat survey, sekarang ekonomi sudah teruk'. After he said that we just say thank you and go away! Hahaha xD It was my very first experience! I feel like want to laugh but I can't.
After that we ate at KFC. Really hungry! About 6.30 we go back to UKM. Very momarable day!