Kityy cat :)
Saturday, February 18, 2017 | 12:52 AM | 0 Blackjack
Hi babe and all gorgeous gorgeous people there! Can you see my topic! I have a lot to share about my lovely cats! They are just tooo cuteeeeee to handle babe! Okay let's begin!
Firstly, I only have one and till now, already have until 10 cats! Can you imagine how my house full like? Hehe :D This is one of the reason why I would like to come back early to home! Can't wait to meet them! To play and to squeeze them. Hahaha :D
My first one named Cyen. It is because my sister took her at restaurant. The restaurant's worker bully him. Because my sister 'kesian' at him. That is why we called them Cyen! Hihi :D Very unique name right! But he is veryyyyyy fun to play with. He does not like people to touch his tail.
The second one named Becky. It is beacuse we took them at the back of our house or in malay, 'belakang' house. He left by his mother! So that's why we called him Becky. Hihi :D
The third one I named it Chupid because she is so weird because we took them at bus station. She sit on the road. Thanked god no one hit her! So we took her home. She is so stupid i guess. Hahaha :D So because of that we call her Chupid!
And the third one named Bee. She is a persian cat with black fur. Nothing much to say about her. Hahaha :D But she is very weird because she does not like to play! I guess all persians are like that right?
They are very cute! Will update their picture soon :) That is all for today! Will update more more things next time :*