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Marketing Week :)
Monday, April 10, 2017 | 1:17 AM | 0 Blackjack
Hi girls! I want to shared something about our Marketing Week. It was a very good experience for us as a future enterpeneur. Why? It is because we must sell something to gain profit! I do really love something like this!

 And of course, we sell foods! It is because we just only do it fo r two days. I don't think if we try to sell clothes or shawls, we will get as much profit as we want.

So, what we try to sell is cheese tart, roti bakar cheese leleh and mango water! It was a very hectic day buttttt, what I love is the relationship between the members. We divide the work to 19 people as we are 19 in one team. So that the work very smooth and easier to do!

All of them also do their work very well. After use it, they wash it. And no fighting at all! The report did not finish yeeetttt :'( Save meeeeeeeee. Hahaha :D  Will try to involve on selling something in faculty after this! Pray for me :*

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Me Saya Aku Anyss

Ohh hye semua ! nie kita lah Anyss Toingtoing . haha actually tak ada nak kata apa apa pun . cuma nak kata thanks follow blog nie and enjoy reading yeahh :D



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