Tuesday, May 23, 2017 | 9:13 PM | 0 Blackjack
Hi girls! Do you gus know what OBS is? I just want to share what I learned today. Today we playing games through website! It quite good because it is a game about our course. At first, I did know what am I doing. But when I have submit Q1 and our CEO give us the result, I think it is very good!
It is because I learned to know about the KPI, if the KPI under 1 it is still consider as good. But if more than 1, something wrong with your company!
Many things I learned in thisclass. Semester 2 is quite tough because got a lot of discussion to go. And assignment by group which is I did not like it. But I have to prepare on doing it. It is okay! Hehe x)
OBS done but Company Mood not yet finish! Can't wait for it.